Monday, October 8, 2012

What 'Go see your father/mother' REALLY means

Sweet Nicholas...o the messes he makes!

Today we began our morning with my folding a load of laundry my sweet husband washed for me while I was in Charleston yesterday...I then went to the back of the house to put away my t-shirts...when I returned from my 90 second trek the folded laundry was scattered on the living room floor with Nicholas tramping his sweet little feet all over it. :) YAY morning mess

THEN he wanted some of the little candies I like to have throughout the day to curb my sugar cravings...he continually pulled them out of his mouth to roll around between his fingers...then touching the computer mouse while playing PBS kids...YAY--morning mess #2 :)

Then things seemed to slow down mess wise...I got some orders packaged up, did some camera shopping online...and then I kept hearing this thudding noise from my bedroom....what the heck? I walked back there kind of frightened as to what Nicholas could be doing to cause this...o is it such a surprise to see him drawing on my very large mirror we have yet to hang on the wall...WITH MY BRAND NEW PINK GRAPEFRUIT MELALEUCA SOAP! It looks like a freakin' exorcism with blood running down the mirror happened in there!

SO I decided we would go see my friend Jessica and she generously agreed to let me drop Nicholas off to go to the post office around the corner from her house without him--which she then informed me it would be closed today because of good ol' Christopher Columbus so although Nicholas had a lil' play date--I still have packages to mail tomorrow! :)

BUT in efforts of not stinking in her home, I decided to take a shower...while in the shower Nicholas came in screaming, attempting to take off his clothes and get in the shower with me. I recently stopped allowing him to get in the shower with me--I feel he no longer needs to be in there with me; he's just gettin' too big and starting to point things out, etc.--so as he kept screaming while I washed my hair I just kept saying 'Go ask your father'--and after three times he finally left the room to ask Lee if he could get in the shower...

AND that's when it dawned on me...growing up I heard 'Go ask your father/mother' quite often...I now know what it really meant...To some degree it meant 'NO', but in reality--pertaining to my shower situation today, it means 'I'm tired of telling you 'no' so go ask your father because I know it will give me at least a 5 minute break from the question--and by then I can just be out of the shower'

Poor kid...but hey--he used enough soap for the BOTH of us already today!

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