Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Poland what?

My husband realized a while back that our beautiful son has developed chest muscles on only one side...I kept saying 'what are you talking about'--but it definitely is not the same from right to left.

We took our son to the doctor today. He seemed to know immediately what was wrong when Lee described it--and I, like a total idiot was making tons of useless suggestions (double jointed?--really Mary?) trying to make it absolutely nothing.

Nicholas has 'Poland Syndrome'--he literally was born without a left pectoral muscle! It's just something that'll be physically/cosmetically noticeable or bothersome--nothing long term or harmful...but how strange! The doctor said he's only seen it one other time since practicing; and it was a colleague in med school.

I remember a friend during the summers having a sunken chest where his sternum should have been--doctor said this is similar type of thing. He will be able to develop nice chest muscles on the right--but not the left--it will be visibly noticeable but won't affect him much else. He doesn't have the other usual symptoms of the syndrome--webbed fingers, being the main one.

The pediatrician said we could have an implant put in one day if he wanted it...So now instead of saving for my boob job, we will be preparing for Nick's--haha!

How crazy!

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