Read to Make these!!!!
Today was intense physically! I met my friend Regina at the gym; I LOVE working out with her--she has had 2 babies and still has such energy and a great positive attitude in the gym--plus she makes me laugh and I love to laugh (part of why I love my husband, always making me chuckle!)
I did 25 minutes on the stair master on the 'endurance' setting for 15 minutes and it totally was kickin' my butt so I switched to 'fat burn' for the last 10...wussy me.
Then Regina and I did 3 sets of 10 squats (ass to ankles as our summer Cross Fit Coach taught us) with 65 lbs...again--wussy, we know, but we don't care to be body builders; we are fine with being sissies. We did arm presses (is that what you call it?) with 45--just the bar; even wussier, but my arms bulk up fast and I don't need more weight on there...and Regina is totally fine with not putting on the extra weights--again, I love her!
We then did sit ups and Russian twists with a medicine ball....Successful morning work out.
I totally failed at breakfast. You are supposed to ALWAYS eat breakfast...but I was just so glad I had the desire to get back in the gym that I left the house before I could tell myself no. After our work out I had an unsweet Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks...and a couple pinches of Nick's popcorn--I am so used to just getting him some at Target and sharing it with him I didn't realize I was eating it...o well--it's only day 2.
When I got home I allowed myself some Irish Cheddar Cheese; It's super delicious and I love it--and it's carb free; I know it's not Paleo, or I don't think it is, but hey--a lil' cheese never killed nobody! Plus it totally kept me full til' lunch!
I ran 5 miles with Charlotte this afternoon...Shoulda done more but I was beat...and obviously have no carbs so I gotta research more on where these CrossFit people get their energy!!! Perhaps when I get my Advocare stuff in that'll help!!!! I'm not lagging--I honestly feel great these 2 days eating this way, but I don't have any extra!!!!
Dinner was a super success! Stuffed Mushroom Pizza Kabobs!!!!!
I saw a similar recipe on the blog 'PaleOMG'; She used baby bellos, I think a combo of sausage and ground beef, and just marinara sauce....I'm easin' into this--I needed some cheese...
Preheat to 400
I plucked the stems off the mushrooms; I used half white and half baby bellows--I prefer the white but knew Lee would like either. I first put them on a foil lined pan with PAM sprayed--mistake; they slid everywhere! I had to take them out of the oven and put on foil--no spray.
I used 1 lb of ground pork sausage and mixed it with 'pizza seasoning' and 1 egg. I put a small 'ball' of sausage on each mushroom; then topped with marinara (I used Prego garlic and onion)
I then put on a bit of shaved Parm cheese...Just a pinch...c'mon--it's as close as I'm getting to pizza!
I put the skewers (which I had Lee cut in half) through them because she cooked them on the grill...I just thought they were cuter with the sticks...I mean how adorable for a party!
I sprinkled parsley flakes over them and then baked at 400 close to the bottom--so the sausage would be sure to cook and cheese not burn, AND so the sticks didn't catch on fire!!!
I baked them until done--cheese melted well and I checked the largest of the bunch to make sure the meat was cooked thoroughly...
I served these with peas for me and crescent rolls for Lee...Nick wasn't interested...he sadly had bagel bites.
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