It wasn't so bad. Day 1 on Atkins I was DYING--perhaps since I have already gotten used to low carb, no carb is not as difficult. I remember the worst headache and literally feeling I had the flu by day 3 on Atkins--then I started feeling great. Today I do feel I have good energy...I haven't run or gone to the gym today, though--but I hope to do a workout this evening.
Breakfast was a huge failure! I hoped to make pancakes but I forgot the baking soda and they kept spreading out and the almond flour wouldn't 'dry' to bake evenly...I gave up--also my bad I guess for using my cast iron skillet...SO with the left over batter I added more of the uber expensive almond flour--then baking soda cause I realized it's what I left out of the pancakes, but I spilled the baking soda and although the biscuits actually baked well (I even brushed coconut oil on the tops) they tasted like pure baking good.
These biscuits really would have been yummy if I hadn't had the baking soda mishap....I used 'Earth Balance' natural spread (non dairy) on top...but because they tasted awful....I ended up making eggs in the microwave out of hunger and exhaustion.
What a mess!
For lunch I actually was somewhat successful! I used coconut oil, Earth Balance spread, and some coconut milk and sauteed 1 shallot. I added in minced garlic, and then 1 diced tomato and finally some chopped spinach leaves and --although not completely Paleo, a tiny pinch of parmesan shavings...mainly for texture...It was actually delicious! I should have stopped there!
BUT I wanted it to be a pasta dish...I have used spaghetti squash instead of pasta before--but I cooked it whole; I read on a paleo blog to cut it in half and cook face down...I musta done something wrong...It didn't dry out the threads well enough....Reminded me of 'Miracle Noodles'---which I find to be AWFUL!
It was good--but of course the squash was a bit too stringy--I'll stick to cooking it whole next time!
I made sweet potatoes--yes, in the microwave and covered mine with Earth Balance and salt--my husband drowns his in brown sugar, butter and cinnamon.
The meat of the meal was seasoned pork chops I found pre-seasoned at Kroger today. I first sauteed a sliced yellow onion and 2 white mushrooms (sliced) in coconut oil, milk and earth balance. I then added pepper and all 5 pork chops (moving the onions and mushrooms to the tops of the chops) and covered the skillet. Halfway through cooking I flipped the pork chops; when cooked thoroughly they were ready...This was delicious! My husband and son ate theirs happily (with crescent rolls...lucky boys)--and of course, so did I!
Sounds disgusting but I can get through a diet if I can have chicken broth....It makes me feel 'good'--like when you are sick and want chicken soup...I may make egg drop soup tomorrow for lunch.
After today's fail at breakfast I'm aiming for something easier in the morning. I am going to stick to bacon and a fried egg...That's pretty doable for me...and who doesn't love bacon. For dinner I'm debating upon grilled chicken with mashed cauliflower OR doing these 'pizza' cabob/stuffed mushroom thingies...we shall have to see...
My BEFORE and my GOALS for Here After
I also plan to start taking Advocare products and want to 'flush' out sugars, etc. naturally before trying fat burners, etc. Their energy drink is awesome--but I need to get to a healthy eating before adding anything--I crash horribly! I'll eat great for a week and then eat everything from fried cheese sticks to popcorn shrimp to cheese cake and a cherry Icee...Time to get it back under control!
I DO plan to be allowed to cheat a bit since I'm not in crucial need of losing weight! I will allow myself some cheeses and some fruits; cheddar has NO carbs...some fruits are low in sugar as well...I also switched from Splenda to Stevia today...Interested to see those changes...I heard Splenda causes headaches and tummy issues...I've used it for a year now...We will see what comes of the switch!
I WILL get to eat one meal of choice on the weekends....If I eat right all week--I freakin' deserve it!
I haven't fully decided upon my 'workouts' yet...although crossfit gives quick results I get a bit too muscley...I'll be teaching Pure Barre soon--so that will be a consistent one when the new gym opens...I'll also keep my running up--hope to do the Rock n Roll in November!!! Gotta start puttin on the distance again; right now I'm at a comfortable 6 miles...that's not even halfway to a half marathon!!!
Until tomorrow....
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